I have had 3 German Shepherds and cannot say enough superlatives about them. They are the best all around companion and protective, loyal family dog that I have experienced. There was never a worry about someone coming onto our property without the dog letting us know well in advance. When confronted, the GSD will stand their ground and are not easily intimidated or tricked.

They have a great all weather coat that allows them to be outside in the cold weather for extended periods of time. When we lived up north, One of the GSD we had, loved the cold and snow. We were always reluctant to let him outside in -30F weather for any length of time but he did not mind and his fav spot was laying in the snow covered driveway and watching the world go by.

During the spring/summer/fall the GSD's were very good at keeping the bears out of the yard and also herding the occasional cows or moose off the property any time of the year.

Like any dog, buying A GSD from a reputable breeder who breeds working lines is a must. Vigorous daily exercise is required to keep these dogs in peak condition both physically and mentally.

Earth and sky, woods and fields, lakes and rivers, the mountain and the sea, are excellent schoolmasters, and teach some of us more than we can ever learn from books.

John Lubbock