Sometime 911 can't or isn't able to respond even in the city/urban areas.

The article says that at one time the Ambulance was less than a football field away.

• Details of Mitchell's calls weren't passed on from one 911 operator to another as shifts changed, so each call was treated as a new incident.

• Twice, ambulances were as close as a quarter-mile from Mitchell's home but drivers said deep snow prevented the vehicles from crossing a small bridge over railroad tracks to reach him. Mitchell was told each time he'd have to walk through the snow to the ambulances; in neither case did paramedics walk to get him.

• Once, an ambulance made it across the bridge and was at the opposite end of the block on the narrow street where the couple lived — a little more than a football field's length. Again, paramedics didn't try to walk.

Unbelievable. This was preventable....he didn't have to die.
I wonder what kind of discipline the assorted drivers and operators were subjected to.
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