"if you are worried about it, great questions to ask yourself include: Did people live here 100 years ago? if not, why not? Did they thrive? what challenges did they have with each season?"

You're just skimming over the top of the problem.

Seventy years ago, most Americans knew how to do things that were pertinent to survival that most don't have a clue how to do today.

A large percentage of people in this country today would be unable to do things such as grow their own food, preserve their food, milk a cow or goat, harvest seed for the next crop, prepare a brooder for chicks, cut firewood without a chainsaw, build a year-round shelter family without power tools, butcher a deer, render fat, make soap, bury a body, or bake a loaf of bread.

Just imagine suddenly being put into an America without fast food, without the internet, without cell phones, without daily food delivery to your local market, without fuel for your $50,000 pickup, without (OMG!) Starbucks, without WallyWorld's daily deliveries of entire trainloads of junk from China.

How would people deal with their kids who suddenly find themselves without their video games, television and FaceBook?

The Americans of today are not the same Americans of the 1930s.
