LED, the banks say they ARE willing to lend it out to small businesses, but the small businesses aren't applying. And that makes sense to me: why get a loan and put your collateral in danger with the economy as unstable as it is?

The small business person can't control economic conditions, but they can be victimized by them.

The crazy politicians keep saying that if only they can provide enough jobs, it will fix the economy. They're holding a tiger by the tail and trying to force him to walk backwards, and don't see a problem. I would say they need to fix the problems with the economy first, and all the other improvements will follow more or less naturally. Presidents Hoover and Roosevelt tried the same thing that they're trying to do now, trying to create 'artificial' jobs to stimulate the economy. It didn't work then (they tried for 14 years with no success), and it won't work now.

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it" is something they must think doesn't apply to them. They probably also think they can repeal the Laws of Physics.
