use 42: Pad. protection from snow/ice/gravel/sharps.
Today I locked my keys in my truck with a couple inches of snow on the ground. (Late to class and rushing) To get to my hide-a-key underneath my truck I had the pleasure of kneeling in the snow. I don't really enjoy a soaked freezing cold knee, so I ran through my options. Rather than trying to get in the snowy bed of my truck to force open the sliding glass window and slip and slide on my plastic bedliner, or using books/papers in my bag as a barrier (terrible waste of paper and would upset my instuctors "I had to kneel on my homework sir, I will have to re-do it.") I decided to use my bandana folded several times over. Kept my knee dry, and dried out on the trip home. I have put it back in its designated pocket, so I will know where it is.
Do you know where your towel is?
Don't Panic!
I have an extra.