My 2 cents:

Don't like using my real name, it creates issues in terms of employers snooping etc. I use the same handle across the net, I don't really want to change it, but I think it will be restrictive versus any payoff it may gain.

Happy to pay a subscription but in return I think I would like to see content updated more frequently - forum is great, but the front page doesn't move that fast compared to some other sites which are free (in other words I get 90% of the value of this site from the forum which is mostly the guys behind the community)

In terms of pricing - be wary of charging too little - getting people to subscribe (pull out the credit card, type in the number etc) is the biggest hurdle, and it doesn't change that much whatever the price point - it ain't the money it's the inertia. You also send out a signal that you put a low value on what you are offering. (Lots of kit out there that gets a premium rep because of the premium price)

Gold membership with a private sub forum and a marketplace might work

Just my opinion, which is worthless of course :-)