I know the poem well... "you're a better man than I am...". I confess I have trouble divorcing the memory from Cary Grant's (Archibald Leach's) voice...<br><br>This discussion has gotten a little more heated than I intended, and more than I think is warranted by the subject. Not that any one individual has crossed a line, just that the sum total of what's been said seems to have people choosing sides, and that certainly wasn't the intent of any of my posts.<br><br>I'll be the first to admit that I haven't tried to use a condom at all for water storage, much less in a wilderness environment. Perhaps it distends more easily than I had envisioned, perhaps it unties more easily as well. Doug seems to have experimented with it to at least some degree; I have not, at all.<br><br>On the other hand, there have been some new alternatives proposed here, especially in billvann's post. I respectfully suggest that we all try to stay open to new alternatives. We're all interested in the best options available, not just in proving pet theories, are we not?<br><br><br>