I also live in the Mississippi flood basin. My suggestion would be to relocate as much as you can upstairs closer to FloodCon4.

My reasoning is this: you have time to do so, without as much pressure or fear. Also most of they guys I know would laugh and call me a nervous nelly, but come help. If you wait until later you and your family will have to schlep it all yourselves, as everyone else is doing the same.

Couple of observations,

prices go up in any panic. In '08 a gallon of water went from around .80cents to a little over a dollar. Stock and fill gaps before people get scared and prices rise. Tying in with that, when people get scared they buy more. When it snows here, stores sell out of shovels and salt. People wait to the last minute because "Walmart always has ...."

Last, might seem kinda dirty but make friends with a somebody on the levee. I was on the levee in '08 from laying plastic up to the convicts starting the clean up. I learned a tremendous amount listening to the guys there. most had been there the last major flood ('93) I knew what was going on on my stretch of levee daily (Patrol), and listened to the "Boss." He told me when to worry, and when we were "being safe." I had a couple of friends that called me pretty much everyday for an update. A source that actually knows the conditions and/or has access to a real world view is a pretty good asset. IMO the Army Corp are not impressive here. Most seem to be educated but no common sense. But my opinion is pretty biased, I had to pull them out of the same mud too many times. How many times do you need to drive into a mudhole before you figure out that your truck ain't gonna make it?
Do you know where your towel is?
Don't Panic!
I have an extra.