Originally Posted By: Blast
I'm thinking the most eco-friendly thing one could do in a disaster would be to die near a tree that will gain nourishment from your body. smirk

-Blast, in a bad mood

LOL! Thanks Blast - I got a laugh out of this. Kind of reminds me of how I told my GF I wanted to die someday (on my way to a nursing home for work one morning) - leave me out in the forest, pointed west (so I can watch the sun set) and let me turn into bear poop.

I think a BOB being eco-friendly (I hate the term "green) is hogwash. For a variety of reasons, the biggest being, how much trash can one person CARRY around? Food wrappers, used TP (ew!) and matches are about the only disposable things I can think of. And of those, TP and matches are fairly biodegradable.

Not to mention, most "disasters" are called that b/c they affect lots of people at once. Which typically means a population center - not the most "green" environment to start with.