Here's what I've come up with, thus far. I have a lot more research to do and future changes will reflect that research being completed.

Flood Condition Checklist

Updated: 01Fed10

FloodCon 5

1) Assume during late Winter to early Spring when Mississippi or nearby rivers are higher than normal because of early heavy rains and/or snawfall levels.

2) Review FloodCon Checklist.

3) Review status of Flood Insurance Levels. Procure Flood Insurance if needed.

4) Review Official Current Material Conditions of all pertinent Levee Systems.

FloodCon 4

1) Assume when local rivers or the Mississippi River have reached their official Flood Stages near weak points in the Levee System or near the homestead.

2) Review “Escape Routes” in case of Flash Flood Warnings when Heavy Rains are expected. If not already, Enroll with the state’s Emergency Management Automatic Emergency Conditions Email Notification System.

3) Review all Emergency Supply Inventories and fill any “gaps”.

4) Check River Stages and forecasts weekly (Mondays).

5) Keep Fuel Tank Levels above ½ full mark.

FloodCon 3

1) Assume when the US Army Corps of Engineers commence “24 Hr Levee Patrols”

2) Monitor Local News Broadcasts at least once daily.

3) Top off all BoB’s with consumables, meds, and papers.

4) Check the US Army Corps of Engineers Website daily, for Levee Condition Reports. Check River Stages and Forecasts daily.

FloodCon 2

1) Assume when Local or State Emergency Management Agencies start issuing warnings and/or issuing sandbags.

2) Check Email twice daily for State Emergency Management Warnings.

3) Load Bob’s into vehicles along with other “Emergency Equipment”.

4) Commence continuous monitoring of local news via TV or Radio, as appropriate.

5) Top off all vehicle fuel tanks and stored gas cans.

6) Decision Time: This is the time to decide if the threat is serious enough to the homestead to warrant Bugging Out or Bugging In.

FloodCon 1

1) Assume when an upstream levee breaks or it becomes obvious that water levels are going to affect the homestead, if Bugged in. Determine if Bugging Out is feasible and/or advisable under current conditions.

2) Prepare to secure electricity, water, and gas valves.

3) Prepare upstairs for occupancy by the family and as many friends as possible. Important: Locate an axe to the upstairs as well as Emergency Food, Water, all meds, important papers, Weps/Ammo, etc.

4) Relocate vehicles to higher ground, if possible.

5) Get as much furniture up as high as possible with spare cinder blocks.
The best luck is what you make yourself!