Quick answer to original post. I saw an estimate from Dr John Hussman (www.hussmanfunds.com) who is usually pretty objective about the economy. His conservative estimate is that the costs of average goods will double in the USA over the next decade. In other words, the cost index for inflation will double (i.e. consumer price index, CPI, will double).

Real wages (wages adjusted for inflation) did not increase at all over the past decade in America. Therefore, incomes did not keep up with rising costs. I doubt that things will turn rosy over the next 10 years, given that so many manufacturing jobs have been outsourced overseas. Therefore, it's a very good bet that most Americans will struggle with price increases - esp. those living on fixed incomes (retirees).

There's a lot to be said for aiming for a more sustainable lifestyle, and/or living close to a region where food is produced and water is plentiful.
