
maybe a year ago or so I posted a formal complain to my friends that requested them to get their own gear. I was sick and tired of getting my knife back lubricated with peanut butter, or my MSR pot kits protected with double coat of bacon grease, or my powerful flashlight used all night becasue it was too hard to turn it off... I also lost blade tips on my Buck and Sog knives due to unfriendly use. Few sleeping bags I lent out had come back stinking and tent came back so dirty and wet that it took me week to clean it up.

My friends learned very quickly that I will not lend them any more gear. I compiled what I had and created pile of gear that I want to keep and pile that I don't need. Over the years I collected fair amount of lower end backup stuff which I gave away to my friends. Some of it I never saw again because there was nobody to clean it after the trip, some of it is well cared for and build upon.

It's hard to say no to your friends without sounding like a total selfish bastard.
