You hit on one thing I had to learn the hard way, NEVER EVER loan your gear. I have made a lot of people mad but I can't help it. I loaned out my spyderco police, they guy brought it back with the tip broken off, his reply was, sorry man, I haven't loaned anything since. I now carry an AFCK, everyday I have someone ask to borrow my knife or my wave, when I tell them no they really get mad, I always tell them that they are for sale in the PX go buy their own. I have even had a senior NCO order me to give him my leatherman, I told him it was personal property and he could go to hell, which caused a big fight but he didn't touch my leatherman. I can't understand people that think I should pay 100 dollars or more for something and then let them ruin it.

You know the average person doesn't carry a pocket knife, they expect to borrow one if they need it. When I was a team chief I required all my team members to have a knife and a flashlight on their person at all times, and I had to mke them do it. JEEZ, I will get off my soap box, now I feel better. Chris