just plainly sucks...

Everyone has something they bought and thought it was the best invention since sliced bread but it came up to be a total failure and disapointment. Please add your gear so we can all learn.

US Army Large Alice Pack with frame: I humped one one my back for 4 years in the service and it was the only thing I knew. It would hold a lot of gear and it was allright when it came to comfort. I got one as soon as I got out of the service. But it was to big. Airlines hated it. Pockets would open, there was no compartments and when filled up it looked like a giant boulder. I couldn't store it anywhere, couldn't make tight turns and with big hump on my back my center of gravity was pushed so much back that I was fishtailing during speed hikes. I dumped it in a favor of a big internal frame pack.

