Some salaries may increase equally with inflation, but most do not, esp for those on the survival end of the yardstick.

Inflation is strictly manmade at the top of the food chain, it is NOT part of the natural order of things. Government always wants to change part of the economy without considering the long-term effects of their decisions. Nothing in economics exists by itself, every decision affects many other facets of it.

In the 60s, gold was worth about $35/oz. Today, it is worth about $1200USD/oz. The value of gold itself hasn't increased so much as our dollar has seriously deteriorated. Our government is printing money as fast as they can, spending it as fast as they can, and going into debt as fast as they can. When the money is first printed, it is worth more than when it trickles down to you and me. The more money in circulation, the less it's worth.

[The following is not an indication clear across the board, because there are other factors involved, too, but just to give you an idea...]

In 1968, gas was $0.28/gallon and CA minimum wage was $1.65. You could buy almost 6 gallons of gas for one hour of work.

Today, CA gas is about $3/gal and min. wage is $8, so you can buy about 2.6 gallons of gas for one hour of work. Minus deductions.

And to tell the truth, I don't think we've hit bottom yet. It's scary.
