He, the general, is not there, he doesn't know the facts behind anyone's decision to do anything in Haiti. He came late to the party after Katrina, he attempted to enforce martial law there when it hadn't been declared. He now makes a living second guessing what others do, he'd fit right in around here. He had no authority to do some of the things he tried to do in New Orleans, he has no authority, moral or otherwise to make unfounded comments on volunteers who are actually on the ground in Haiti, not sitting comfortably in a television studio. If he feels that others need to "man up" why isn't he doing the same?

Nobody on this forum knows any of the details behind Dr. Gupta's actions or the actions of any other medical personnel in Haiti other than what's being reported. Like so many other times of disaster, both personal and large, everyone is jumping to conclusions based on what they've heard and seen on television. I'll wait and see what the real facts before jumping to any conclusions about the courage of Dr. Gupta or the lack of it by the doctors from Belgium. Obviously everyone else can do as they please.

"and all the lousy little poets
comin round
tryin' to sound like Charlie Manson"

The Future/Leonard Cohen