"It might be an idea for the authority in charge of the relief effort to start thinking about evacuating the population centres with Haiti via shipping to other countries"

Good idea .. but it's usually a complete free-for-all. There is no competent person in charge. This is the third world we're talking about. Leaders are corrupt and mostly on-the-take.

That's a big part of why the disaster zone is such a disaster in the first place. Chaos and confusion reign supreme. Each relief organization basically does their own thing - esp. in the beginning part of the effort. Later on, the large relief org's normally will start to develop informal coordination meetings. But these only happen in the main center - typically the capital city. So anybody working further out in the field is still experiencing the "free for all" mode of operation. That's life during third world disaster operations. It can be enormously frustrating and stressful - but there's no way to change it. It is ... what it is.

On the positive side - amazingly enough some good work gets done anyway. And best of all, a LOT of volunteers actually find ways to cooperate and work together for the common good. There will be volunteers from all over the world who show up and try to help. So a lot of good stuff still happens. Confused - yes. Chaotic - yes. But a positive contribution anyway.

other Pete