It might be an idea for the authority in charge of the relief effort to start thinking about evacuating the population centres with Haiti via shipping to other countries, where organsised tent cities can be setup much more easily than attempting to get the limited aid in though a single destroyed port and an airfield with limited capacity (A Berlin airlift scenario is beyond the abilities of the controlling authorities). Haitians are already voting with their feet and are attempting to bug out of the capital. One less mouth to feed on the island is one more mouth to feed for those that are left behind with the limited aid capacity than can be brought in. Shipping out 1 Haitian is a lot easier to do than shipping in 3-6 months of aid for 1 Haitian.

When they conclude this after massive outbreaks of disease begin to occur, which will occur after the security breakdown and civil unrest, (the local UN forces will not have the stomach to start shooting the locals) because of the failure to get in aid quickly enough, then it will be too late even to implement this measure.

I suspect that the overall death toll with Haiti may be many more times that of the initial 100,000-200,000 deaths due to the initial Earthquake. Time is quickly running out.