Always be sure to take news reports like that with several grains of salt.

Remember those rapes and assaults in the Superdome after Katrina that were reported over and over by a media eager for sensationalism? None of them happened. Those reports were supposedly made from within the Superdome... a place that had no cell coverage or landline service for at least a week.

News media have long since given up providing anything like accurate news. They sell sensationalism to sell advertising, period.

In his book about what happened during and after Katrina, Lt. General Russel L. Honoré (US Army) said that the sensationalism (read 'outright lying') of the media prevented people from going into the area to help. They needed a lot of buses to evacuate the people from the Superdome, but the drivers wouldn't come within 30 miles or so of the place, just parking the buses and walking away.

I'm not saying there is no looting, but some photos of young men carrying machetes could have a few other explanations, too. Who knows, in Haiti, they could BE the police force....
