Originally Posted By: Tarzan
One of the most successful species on the planet would find your foodstuffs (the common rat) if you stored them in said locations. You might as well have a big party and invite some of your favorite looters.

Good point - that must be why I am lousy at post-apocalyptic scenarios and you are the King of the Jungle!

I vote for leaving the food neatly stacked for the next guy to find. There are no bad guys when the chips are down and people are hungry - if the world has devolved to the point that it can't feed itself, and folks are scavenging for my year's supply, to hell with it. If things really fall apart, possession constituting the highest value doesn't really mean much to me. I'll have already lost alot of things more valuable than my cache of food. This is why I think these apocalyptic scenarios are mostly useless - it posits that people will stop acting like people once a certain threshold has been passed. That's fine for science fiction, but relevance to this forum??