I will address both condtions, since it appears there may be an option. It would be much better to stay and shelter in place if that is possible. I have all my supplies, equipment, and local support group at hand if we can all stay at our homes. In that case, I believe I am more than adequately prepared.

However, if something compels me to leave, then I would have compartmentalized my supplies so that I can take a good cross section of what I feel I would need to bug out with to get to 1,000 miles or more, with the possible exception of not enough gas on hand.

Were I to leave, and I had the time to prepare properly, there'd be a few abandoned and forgotten cisterns nearby that I would be happy to drop some supplies into for the longer term.

Realistically, no one should worry about bugging out with a year's supply of food or other materials. At most, maybe enough for a couple months subsistence would be the most you'd need in a bug out situation. My reasoning is if things get so bad that you would need more some where else, then why bother to leave? If not, then you should be able to resupply in short order or otherwise provision adequately. You need to take enough to get you where you need to get, but not so much it inhibits your mobility.
The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly is to fill the world with fools.
-- Herbert Spencer, English Philosopher (1820-1903)