IF a few rain storms would clear out the sewers, would it not stand to reason that the cholera infested river would be clean as well. After all, it would be exposed to UV light.
I find fault in crossing a drawbridge on a tire iron cum grappling hook. The bridge would be a predictable avenue of approach and probably watched. I think a boat of ones own contrivance would have been a wiser choice, particularly under cover of near darkness.
I can't think of anyone in their right mind who would slide down an elevator shaft cable unless it was absolutely necessary, those cables can be slightly frayed and a length of that broken cable could penetrate Lord knows what. Think of the ensuing infection.
I would assume that in a postapocalyptic world that hospitals would also be like little repositories for MRSA and who knows what else, I would opt to avoid them.
And first and foremost. If you are living in a world full of hostiles and you are a combat veteran, who in their right mind would not be armed with something more substantial than a four cell maglite and a leatherman.
If you are going to set up a transmitter to broadcast your location, withdraw to a distance so you can observe your broadcast location/RV point and watch the area. You can't tell from a radio conversation the intent of anyone you would meet. IF things degenerate to the Mad Max level, slavery and cannibalism are viable possibilities. It will be a labor intensive, protein deprived life...I would want something more suitable to protect me than a large flashlight and a small knife