I disagree. Their truck got stuck and they had to be pulled out, but that's it. They were fully prepared and able to wait three days in freezing weather, and we don't know how long they could have waited. They had a plan B and it worked. That's not a sign of "greenhouse people".

The overhead aerial maps of Paisley OR show that in Paisley the turn they probably made was onto a broad, paved road, as wide as any other. It's not called a Forest Service at that point and it appears to be paved for about a mile.

I'm not sure if they saw anything at that turn that should have stopped them. The GPS software says turn here, the road looks as good as the highway, etc. The error is later when it should have been clear the road had become way too narrow and unpaved...

Lesson: Google Earth is your friend and it's free. I don't go anywhere new, even in town, without looking over aerial pictures of the entire route. The car's GPS gives me an arrival time estimate but I know where I'm going before I get in the car.