Just a suggestion ... and it may be totally redundant.

I suggest that you proceed with the essential allergic-reaction checks - before actually consuming the leaves in any quantity. In other words ... cut some of the palm leaf and rub the damp areas on sensitive skin (e.g. outside parts of lips, underneath skin of forearms or wrist), then next try chewing a small amount of leaf and spitting it back out (but not swallowing). Do these 2 steps first to check for any possible bad reactions to the plant.

I don't know your background ... so I'm sorry if this stuff is plainly obvious or common knowledge to you. It's always a good idea to guard against a bad allergic reaction. I just had a body rash a couple of weeks ago that came from a personal reaction to a plant sap ... bad reactions are no fun!

Offhand, I can't think of any reasons at all why palm leaves would be a problem. But better safe than sorry. By the way - seems like these leaves would be much more effective in a survival diet if you used them to wrap some other kind of food (e.g. meat or bananas), and cooked the whole wrapped item.

the other Pete