I think that one thing most people don't realize (most of the average people) is that The way they get road information is by studying arial maps and digitizing the roads. What this means is that there is at some point a person (here comes the human error) is looking at a map trying to determin roads from rivers and horse trails.

The photos are usualy taken during the summer. This creates a contrast that lest the average person determin what is what with relaitive accuracy.

The catch is that if a map says there is a forest road or trail, and the human reading the map sees a line or a dark line on the arial photo they say it is a, "road"

As I read about all of you that study arial maps and study mutiple sources of maps, and even ask locals, I just feel like my prepairedness needs to take another step up! I am impressed and I have to say that is what I like about this site,, You all chalenge and teach me new things, and I don't get lazy.