Originally Posted By: Am_Fear_Liath_Mor

The WTL must be greater than that surely, You've still got your legs and as most in the western world a reasonable amount of subcutaneous fat still left. Good to go for another 3-4 months I reckon, heck a lot of the folks in the southern states are good to go for year. laugh It might be prudent to pack some decent walking shoes or boots as well. It could well give you another 1000 miles action radius before resorting to the Ritter MK5.

I am a woman so this subcutaneous fat conjecture is treading in dangerous territory.

What's "WTL?" Weight-to- ???

Yes indeed on the shoes. And I have an assortment of Ritters to choose from: MK1, mini, MK3, MK4 and the 5.

Have to figure out which ones of those I'd barter and which to keep. Hmmmm....

In such a horrendous scenario, I think a lot of people would choose the way out of the wife in Cormac McCarthy's "The Road."

No food, no housing... no cable. So many just could not be bothered with the struggle.