now there is a statement we should all think about"here in Oklahoma"..i'll bet that among ten of us there are about nine separate fire starting,and keeping going needs.what i need is a good hot start in a wet pine woods.once a fire is going i'll have heaps of Red and White pine along with Black Spruce and if i can get something going i'm good..i seldom even need to split wood to get something that will burn as the sticks and branches are filled with pitch..i assume some places will have hardwoods or lots of softwood like Aspen that will be hard to start and keep going..i've camped in Aspen glades and thats the worse wood to try and make a fire with unless its bone dry.
what if you are someplace where there is little of no wood!!.
to high,to dry or even too wet,i'm thinking swamps maybe a fire kit for the piney woods is a world away from a hardwood forest out East..any ideas??