Originally Posted By: Leigh_Ratcliffe
Firelighting kits have to do two things:
1) Supply a flame. This is where cotton wool balls, tinder-Quick and maya wood come in to their own. They catch easy from a spark or flame but burn quickly.

2) Provide tinder. Esbit cubes, ranger bands etc fall into this category.
Most neophyte students of survival can be pardoned for thinking that there will always be tinder and kindling availible for a classic fire lay. Unfortunatly real life is not that convenient.

A good analogy is that the fire lighting kit is a toolbox. With different tools for each part of the job.

Addendum to my last: If you want a thorough understanding of why you should always have a decent fire lighting kit on you just watch any episode of Survivorman.
I don't do dumb & helpless.