Yep, not much else for a civilian employee to do in the war zone but work and sleep. I had the same sort of schedule in Baghdad. I preferred the connex boxes to the tents for dwellings; I have no idea what the contractor housing is like in Afghanistan. Some of the crew had tvs and occasionally you'd find one with an XBox, but most of the time I just goofed on my laptop as it was my gen purp entertainment system. Movies, internet, music, games, pretty much an all in one approach. Since I couldn't do much else for entertainment/recreation, other than read a book or watch Al Jazeera, The laptop was pretty handy.

Of course, running for the bunker was always a big distraction from the ho-hum work routine.
The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly is to fill the world with fools.
-- Herbert Spencer, English Philosopher (1820-1903)