Originally Posted By: Am_Fear_Liath_Mor

The article shows an MSR Reactor Stove so should be able to boil about 20 litres on a single 250gm cartridge.

It was time consuming to boil water each time he needed to drink.

An MSR Reactor Stove will boil a litre of water in under 4 minutes.

There are other ways it can be time consuming.

1) boil water
2) let water cool
3) fill water bottles
4) go until you run out of water
5) start over

I didn't read the article, but what if you only have 1 water bottle? Or, even if he has two, what if he has a pot only capable of 1L at a time? Or worse, a cup?

If you are expecting to use a pump filter with plentiful water sources, you could see how they you might not bring many water bottles. Also, if you have water covered with the filter, you could see how you might only have a small container for cooking, or a cup for hot water if you are going light.

Not saying what the situation was, just that there can be a lot of complicating situations.

As for the burning of the socks, seems like he was probably impaired by dehydration at that point.


Edited by JohnN (11/25/09 02:29 AM)