Hi, good to hear you want to add a survival kit!

There is a "search" button above (in the right part of the screen). Hit it, and enter survival kit in the box that appears. You will find about 200 hits, starting with the most recent discussions...

Or use google, adding site:equipped.org to the search string:

You may also replace "wilderness" with "outdoors"... Feel free to ask for clarification smile

In general, I struggle with how I can adapt the "survival kit" idea because when I venture outdoors I have always brought what I consider appropriate equipment for the season and climate.

Bare minimum: Good clothing for the season, bivy bag, knife, fire starters. Usually also a tiny flashlight on my keys and a cell phone. A whistle, some strings and stuff is usually to be found at my jacket, in my pack and in various pockets.

To this I add navigation (map+compass+GPS), extra clothing and more equipment as I deem necessary and appropriate.

There is always room for improvement! While I feel I usually m adequately equipped outdoors, I am in the process of composing a small kit. It will be a backup for my regular equipment and also serve as a quality assurance that I don't forget the most vital parts. It will also cover the basis for field expedients repair, fixing and modification (needles, thin thread, para chord, few zip ties, duct tape). And last but not least - I will be able to bring it with me if I leave my pack behind.

Edited by MostlyHarmless (11/05/09 02:39 PM)