Sounds to me like Swanns has fallen into some earthquake provisions that out-lasted the demand of the current season, or seasons past - are there any terribly short expirations on this stuff? Usually vendors stock up their channels to supply folks post-disaster, or some folks pre-disaster too, and when the storms don't appear the inventory remains unsold. You can see it also in the price of MREs - pricey in June-July, but prices begin to bottom out in November-December.

We don't usually see this shadow effect in the Pacific Northwest since we're no where near hurricane territory, but one outlet in particular carries alot of remaindered inventory, that's Cash n Carry. Some good deals there, but mostly if another retailer hasn't been able to move enough of something, they sell it to Cash n Carry, and they pass on the savings to customers (Cash n Carry also carries non-remaindered food though). Remaindered books, remaindered food, same principle.