There is one thing in favour regarding data security in the UK over the laws in the US and that is the UK Data Protection Act.

Personal Data Protection Laws in the US are virtually non existent, which is why there are European directives which prohibit the export of personal information outside the European Economic Area.

BTW the Cuban Authorities never stamped my passport to say I have actually visited the country. wink

What I always remember about my visit to Cuba was the death of Payne Stewart and the crash of the only Cubana DC10 I had flown on back to the UK a few weeks later (I remember sitting in La Habana airport looking at probably the one of the most unsafe modern airline Aircraft ever built operated by one of poorest airlines in terms of safety and thinking; oh man do I really have to get on this aeroplane and that was after getting to Cuba on an Cubana Russian built IL62). Whilst I was vacationing in Varadero (Hurricane Irene hit the Island during my stay there) I got got talking to some local Cubans who were excited about the imminent visit of Payne Stewart (first US Golf Pro to play in Cuba ince the early 1960s since the over throw of Batista). A week later he was dead. In all the news coverage following his death there was nothing about him breaking the US embargo of Cuba a week or so earlier.

Tin hat has now been removed blush

Cuban Whisky is vile BTW and the supplied Tropicana Night Club bottle of Havana Club needs at least 3 cans of non diet Coca Cola not just the one which was supplied. laugh