Originally Posted By: MDinana
don't forget the plain old method of pissing off the bird and going hand-to-beak with it. I'm thinking specifically of Canadian geese, which seem to be pretty territorial. I've been charged a few times, and it seems it'd be easy enough to let it come at me and just break it's neck or choke it out.

How about a net? It would take some work and know how to make one, as well as the materials. But one might be able to find good enough materials, and through some trial and error make a net that worked well enough.

One thing a net allows that some other forms may not, you might be able to capture your prey without killing it. Depending on the situation you are in, the animals could be worth more dead or alive. If you are starving, then food may be of the highest priority. If you are in a long term scenario, then the capture of live animals could allow you to have livestock, of a sort. IIRC, Geese are the animals that were first domesticated, so wild geese might be a good animal to try and raise.