Originally Posted By: paramedicpete

The search succeeds 100%, if one is looking for a Medical Alert device.

No, I meant how often does anyone wear one. The search only succeeds if there is one to be found.

Is this an HHS standard?
... a necklace is banned in many work environments.

I would think that a Medical Alert bracelet or necklace would be covered under the Americans with Disabilities Act. A breakaway chain would address any entanglement/safety issues.

Breakaway chains are overrated and don't prevent incidents (useful but insufficient). ADA only requires reasonable accommodations: you don't have to create a safety hazard for it.

I retired from the relevant job at ten years ago and medical necklaces never came up. It's hard to say now but had it come up I likely would have required that the card be strapped around the ankle or such, with the necklace removed while in the lab. It's the necklace that's the problem, not the card.

I may be misunderstanding what we're talking about here since the word "device" is being used: I have visions of a necklace with what amounts to a large dogtag with more text. If this is an actual _device_ of some sort that's different (and even worse given the lab EMI setting), but a necklace itself still wouldn't fly in the lab.