I've never heard of a case in which EMS was called due to depression

EMS can be called on cases involving depression, whenever an individual may attempt to hurt either themselves or others.

whereas an acute anxiety attack can cause the patient to pass out.

A patient’s unresponsiveness may have nothing to do with the their history of anxiety attacks and will not significantly change the course of treatment.

If EMS were to find me unresponsive, what is needed on a medical bracelet to clue them in on what is a likely reason I am unresponsive?

The standard treatment for any unresponsive patient is going to focus on the ABCD’s. If you’re not breathing or not breathing adequately (too fast or too slow) we will assist or correct the problem. If you have no pulse, CPR, heart beating, but not providing adequate perfusion, then electricity or drugs. Diabetic, a check of blood glucose levels will allow for the appropriate treatment. Active, prolong or multiple seizures, then drugs and respiratory support (or other treatment (i.e. OD) to correct the cause of the seizures).

Personally, based upon the information you are providing, I do not think a Medical Alert device would be of much assistance in determining why you may be unresponsiveness. Knowing you suffer from anxiety attacks and take meds for such, is not going to alter my course of evaluation and treatment.


P.S. Other EMS personnel may have a different take on your question.

Edited by paramedicpete (10/21/09 07:28 PM)
Edit Reason: Added P.S.