Originally Posted By: Y_T_
When medical professionals (whether they are doctors, nurses, or EMTs) view their patients as natural born idiots it hinders proper care.

Unfortunately, the health care field deals with a lot of "natural born idiots." They're bound to get jaded. I mean, you can only tell someone so many times that their obesity is causing their arthritis, blood pressure problems, and heart disease before you get tired of trying to get them to listen. Just like cops think everyone has done something wrong or assume everyone wants to shoot them.

Now I can't speak for the docs out there, but some folks in health care feel certain conditions are not "true" diseases but more psych related. One well publicized example is fibromyalgia - not everyone agrees on what it is, or if it's a disease or a somatic reaction fo some sort. Not saying you have it, but just trying to point out that some people clump. Give a doc a patient with fibromyalgia, irritable bowel syndrome, and 7 abdominal surgeries, and most will have on their differential "Psych patient." Not a good thing, but it happens.