Originally Posted By: DannyL
Originally Posted By: dweste
Anybody ever tried hair as tinder?

I believe Richard Pryor and Micheal Jackson did, but with bad endings....

So cruel, So funny, So true.

Hair, wool, fur. toenail clippings are all the same stuff and are generally considered as flame resistant.
With proteins like these the heat to ignite them is high and the heat released by burning them is low. They also form a foamy burned crust as they burn and it insulates them from burning more.
You can burn hair with a flame from something else but usually as soon as the external heat it taken away the hair self extinguished.

You can singe the hair and eyebrows off you face easily enough, but to get hair to really burn you need it full of styling gel like M. Jackson's was or stuff from freebasing coke like Pryor's was.

If anybody has actually used hair, fur, wool or leather as tinder I really would like to hear from them about the conditions and how they got it to burn.
May set off to explore without any sense of direction or how to return.