Danger: Earthquake. Utilities could be disrupted or supplies unavailable beyond bug-in capability. Could cause levee failure and flood – see flood plan. Could cause fire – see fire plan.

Data to monitor:

1.Epicenter and road damage reports in media and on Internet, if available.
2.Road and water travel restrictions.
3.Bug-in supplies.
4.Re-supply disruption reports, ditto above.
5.Communication disruptions.
6.Evacuation center locations.

Known limitations:

1.Boat sails or motors no faster than 10 mph in the best of conditions.
2.Road out crosses two islands below sea level and one bridge between islands.
3.Freeway is about 4 miles away and is elevated.
4.Levee road at marina is elevated.
5.Government flood defense calls for blocking freeway underpass to contain [and incidentally heighten] flood water from close levee failure, which would block the road across the last island between the boat and the elevated freeway.

Bug-in / other preparations of note after earthquake:

1.Extra mooring ropes and boat bumpers between boat and marina dock.
2.Extra fresh supplies in boat and car.
3.Gas fill-up of car.
4.Fill boat diesel tank and spare container.


1.By car if levee failure is close, but not located to cut off evacuation road.
2.By car if levee failure threatens to sweep away marina dock.
3.By car if levee failure results in boat becoming uninhabitable somehow.
4.By boat if earthquake or flood waters block access to freeway for time extended beyond supplies.
5.By boat if earthquake or flood destroys nearby supply sources or renders them unreachable by car for a period of time that threatens re-supply.

Edited by dweste (10/19/09 01:04 AM)