Originally Posted By: Susan
Bugging out:

. . . Wildfire or firestorm. Waiting until the flames are licking at my wheels (or heels) seems like a stupid thing to do. If my house was on fire, I would run outside, rather than sitting in my easy chair, hoping God is bored with everyone else at this moment in time. . . .
Nuclear, radiological and chemical accidents. Running like a scalded cat would be my choice here. Try to keep up.

Bugging in:

Earthquake - If I get past the first big shake, I'll camp out in the back yard. . . .


As usual Sue did a great job rephrasing and answering the question. The only item on the Bug-Out list I've been through in SOCAL are wildfires -- we've had a few here. I stayed for previous fires because they weren't forecast to hit my specific neighborhood. Some neighbors left, but since evacuation was only optional, we stayed. Our neighbor firefighter who was spending time on the line occasionally came home to get some real sleep, so I figured this area was relatively safe. Next fire I'll do the same thing: pack the truck early and watch as it chooses a path. If it looks like it's coming our way I leave. You won't find me dead in the street, garden hose in hand. I'll be 10 or 100 miles up the road at a motel.

Nuclear, radiological? Where at and where's the wind blowing? If it hits a local target I'd expect to know immediately and I'm outta here. . .if the truck starts -- EMP could step on any plans to evacuate. Wouldn't want to be out riding my alternate evacuation tool (mountain bike) when the fall-out starts raining. If I didn't see it or feel it, I stay home and button up -- hopefully the radio is still on line. Fall-out may still be a concern, depends on the wind. Face masks to filter particles would be advised.

My earthquake reaction is identical to Sue's. If I survive the major shake, why leave. Gather yourself and start cleaning up. Wear good boots.
Better is the Enemy of Good Enough.
Okay, what’s your point??