Yes, and we do have ushers at the entrance of the sanctuary, though they are never armed and likely not at all prepared to deal with any threat situation, but they are at least a presence. If nothing else they give the latent security force the chance to respond.

After Iraq, most of the places I frequent here now I consider to be targets of opportunity for bad guys. Just a different mindset. When you see a whole city block set ablaze in less than 30 seconds and the houses full of bullet holes where the day before they were full of families, well, how do we in our present condition defend against something like that? The answer is for now at least, we don't. Odds are such an attack will never happen. But if it did, the devastation would be overwhelmingly thorough.
The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly is to fill the world with fools.
-- Herbert Spencer, English Philosopher (1820-1903)