Originally Posted By: Russ
I avoid water activated inflation systems simply because if inside an aircraft when it hits the water, the last thing you want is the PFD inflating before you egress.

I think most of the modern inflatable vests have a "manual only" inflation option, which would be handy for aircraft use as you mention. With the sailing one I have, which is also has a built in harness, you select manual or auto inflation when you arm it.

I have had the "opportunity" to have a suspender style vest auto inflate, as I went off the bow. Fortunately, it was my own stupidity that caused my misfortune, and it was in daylight. Still, I imagined that it could have easily been at night, and I might have been hit in the head by a spinaker pole, knocked out, and overboard. In that case, working on the bow at night, I hope I'd be clipped into the jackline on the boat, but, sometimes things happen.

I will say that those inflatables are not very comfortable, when they inflate, they snug right up around your neck. Not dangerously tight, just uncomfortable for any long period.

- Ron