A word of warning about waterproof cases for cell phones and other electronics...

I once bouhgt a "fone-dom" (yes, a latex mobile phone cover resembling a scented condom!!!) with the idea of protecting the phone from dust/duirt and increasing it's water resistance. It seems that some moisture got between the phone and the fone-dom (note: it was minimal enough that I didn't notice it). Due to the high temperatures, this moisture 'evaporated', and went into the electronics of the phone, causing a mild corosion. this, obviuosly, is not good for the phone, so I disacrded the fone-dom.

I havn't used other waterproof bags/boxs, but just keep this in mind when using them. I havn't hearrd of this happenng to anyone else, so it may have just been my bad luck.
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