As it has already been said, knowledge is the best tool. I've taken first aid and have read other first aid guides but nothing I have come across yet compares with A Comprehensive Guide to Wilderness & Travel Medicine by Eric A. Weiss, MD

A roll of medical tape and EMT sheers always comes in handy. The splinter picker/tick remover forceps, found in the Pocket Medic, Ultralight .5 and higher kits, is the best thing I found for removing splinters.

A little more than two years ago, I was running on a sidewalk, tripped and really scraped up my knees. At that time I had with me my EMT sheers and a Pocket Medic modified with a roll of medical tape. That provided the bare minimal to patch me up.

Experience has taught to go with the Ultralight .5. It comes with a roll of medical tape so no modification is needed. If you have ever tried to shoehorn a roll of tape into the Pocket Medic, you would know it's best to go with the Ultralight .5.

Edit: The safety pins in the Pocket Medic and Ultralight .5 are also handy in the event of a wardrobe emergency such as at a wedding. I speak from experience.

Jeanette Isabelle

Edited by JeanetteIsabelle (10/10/09 11:34 AM)
I'm not sure whose twisted idea it was to put hundreds of adolescents in underfunded schools run by people whose dreams were crushed years ago, but I admire the sadism. -- Wednesday Adams, Wednesday