Originally Posted By: martinfocazio
Rioting over the Olympics Bid? What?

Sorry, being in the Chicago area its my sad attempt at humor. There were a lot of emotions wrapped up on that stuff locally.

Seriously, in the upper midwest where I live there aren't really any big threats outside of society.

Tornados are the worst of it, and they are rare-ish. We do our best to plan ahead on those. Loss of electricity, as I'd mentioned, is a pretty big deal mostly for heat and the damage of frozen pipes.

Bad snow - I have a big-ish tractor and we'd just wait it out.
Bad rain - we don't flood much around where I am. Those prone to flooding already know it.
Hurricanes - not here.
Terrible cold - just another winter around here.
Food shortages - not likely - could always eat a horse or two.
Water shortages - not likely - we have an above ground pool as a backup (could filter or treat it) plus a pond behind our property.
Terrorism - not likely - and if it hits, probably mostly local impacts only - hopefully
Crime - not so much where I am, but with kids older I do think about keeping a gun more handy.
Loss of telephone - not a big deal in our house
Loss of TV - a big deal to me, but it would make the wife happy.

I suppose fire is a constant threat - I'm talking house fire - not brush fires.

Now that we have some property in way north Wisconsin one of my new fears is one of the kids being disoriented while out scouting the property and getting lost for too long. I've asked them to carry a basic survival kit and cell phone while "scouting". I don't think they understand how bad it could be.

As I've said somewhere in the past, the thing that drew me to this forum was not so much a desire to protect myself & mine from disasters, but to teach young folks how to prevent, gear up for, and react to unexpected nights (days) out in the wilder areas or nights with less gear than expected, mostly associated with Boy & Girl Scouts, but also with my family.

I spent Sunday watching a whole series of the "I Shouldn't Be Alive" series. I'd seem some already, but they really emphasize the randomness, unexpectedness, confusion, and the importance of some key stuff - letting people know where you're going & when you should return, importance of not doing stupid stuff in remote areas (think ahead), water, water, water, shelter, signaling, attitude, water, ...