Adam2 hits a good point about expensive gear vs. cheaper items. I actually go with cheaper gear on about 85% of my kit. Some items you just can't get away from b/c of bias. I invested in a RSK Mk1 but Moras are great too and 10% of the cost. But the bulk of my EDC and packs are very basic.

I destroy a lot of gear. When was the last time most people bought a magnesium block and used it down to the mishmash starter? Me, all the time. If I bought something b/c it's 'cool', and didn't put it through hardcore testing to see if it holds up, I might as well not have it at all.

Consequently, I have become a raving fan of some brands and will push people away from others. Its one thing to tell someone you own 'X' item, its another to say, I put that thing through the ringer and did great.
Don't just survive. Thrive.