Originally Posted By: dweste

My primary focus is not so much to clooect various theories on what to do, but to find if anyone is aware of a thought -through / formalized / developed way of handling the issues.


There can be no clinical, methodical way of "handling" what will ultimately be an issue of humanity -- whether and how much to be selfish when others ask for help.

I do appreciate this thread, though. We should spend more time on this forum discussing what we can do to help others survive and not just ourselves and our own families. The best thing we can do is spread the gospel of preparedness, which is also self-interested as the more people help themselves the less likely we'll be asked for help.

This thread inspires me to talk to more of my friends and neighbors about preparedness. The goal being along the lines of teaching someone to fish so they can feed themselves versus giving them a freeze-dried fish so they can eat for one day.

I have no idea if my neighbors have given a moment's thought to this subject. For all I know, some may be more prepared than I am.

Edited by Dagny (10/01/09 02:02 PM)