Originally Posted By: UTAlumnus
those who ignore warnings and fire alarms are just plain stupid.

At least part of that can be blamed on fire drills & false alarms. Standing around freezing your behind off while some twit calls roll because someone pulled the fire alarm (probably had an exam that day & hoped to get out of it) or they decided to have a drill tends to make you evaluate the situation first. Holler wolf often enough & people start to ignore you.

About 9 years ago my office was in a lease space connected to a building that was being remodeled. The entire structure shared a fire alarm system, and it included a large cabinet shop. After weeks of false alarms 8 - 10 times a day, the alarms went totally ignored by all.

One evening working late, the alarm went off again, and my coworker and I ignored it again.

It was the Fire Fighter in full turn-out gear and SCBA that stormed into my office that got me moving... Seems the adjacent cabinet shop was fully involved, but the multiple fire walls and distance had kept all the smoke/fumes out of the building. We heard the sirens, but that was an hourly occurrence since we were located less than 300 feet from a very large fire station.

Lesson learned, GET OUT
I do the things that I must, and really regret, are unfortunately necessary.