Originally Posted By: Dagny

...snip...And to get in shape to handle dozens of flights of stairs if you work in a high-rise.


Which works, until one day, you wake up to find yourself handicapped. Back during the NYC blackout, I shrugged, and started walking the 11 miles home. Made it 1/2 way before I got a lift

Today? I'd need to take a rest (call it a pain break) by the time I got to the ground floor, and every 3-4 blocks after, and when I got to the end of the 4 (or 11 miles), the next stop would be the ER for my leg.

I went from "overweight, but able to walk 5 miles without thinking about it too much" to the MD saying "I don't even want you walking around the supermarket - have your wife do the shopping"
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