After recently moving into a new property in a different county and with winter approaching I have been quite busy.

I have updated my bugout bag: mainly changing over the documentation for the property, change of doctor details and the like.

I have moved to a rural village next to a small city that has experienced some major floods over the years. I have checked the flood risk maps and am confident that I am not in a flood risk zone. Although I live within 5 minuets walk from the coast I am also out of any storm surge zone which is predicted at 4 meters on a 50 year cycle.

I have also checked the counties community risk register to understand the risk assessment for any likely threat I could expect.

On the home front, I have been through my kit store and moved candles and candle lanterns, spare stove and fuel, a head torch and spare batteries into a kitchen cupboard for easy access if there is a power cut. I still have to get some spare food as a store but that’s not a big problem. I do need to get a couple of large jerry cans for water storage. I do have 20 litres of water in storage but could do with some more capacity.

Finally I have filled a couple of paint cans with sand to use as Benghazi Stoves. These are for long term power outages for cocking on and to use as area heaters. I am fully aware of the danger of using naked flames inside the house and have taken safety measures and will give ventilation. I will use meths as the fuel for the Benghazi stoves as this is safer, cleaner and less polluting than other fuels.

On the whole I am happy with the transition into the new property and am pretty much prepared.